Blogpost: membership price raise

Hello Penguins,

For the first time since Club Penguin started, we've decided to change the price of new memberships purchased in US and Canada. Starting on July 13th, the new price for a Club Penguin membership will be $7.95 a month, $39.95 for 6 months and $59.95 for 12 months.

The new price is only for NEW membership purchases. If you already have a recurring membership, you'll keep paying the old price as long as you stay a member. You'll also be able to use membership cards with the old price if you have them.

Ever since we launched Club Penguin, we've released tons of new games, features and special events, and donated millions of dollars to charitable projects to help kids around the globe. The new price will allow us to create even more great content that will make Club Penguin even better. We can't say too much yet, but we have some really exciting new things planned for you in the coming months!

Until then... Waddle On!



  1. Actually they already did start the club penguin membership cards

  2. WHAT? this is a clubpenguin blog post ob hthere blog so why aere yoiu asking m,e questions?hmm? why nwelll reply plz and say a paragraph why! so chop chop stop[ lazing around. right hurry up imj expecgting one? you still havent done one reply to me saying what this means "Actually they already did start the club penguin membership cards" hmmm reply. soryry im logged out it is nathnoodlke and if you dont belive me nathnoodle would of deleted this ncomment for lying about the name and this question is to ipodracer. wow i writed this randomley cause ni didnt know what bto do. lol what a load of rubbish! lol xD hahahahahaha hahehehehehe so mfunny and long comment lol! right umm what top do i iknow ill go oin twitter and polay clubpenguin.
    bye guys tomox on twitter k? lol xD!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh wait am i logged on?
